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15 best scholarships to take into account when studying an MBA in the Unit míed States for this 2024

junio 9, 2023

The master’s degree in business administration or MBA is one of the most lucrative and beneficial postgraduate degrees for professionals, according to information presented by the Graduate Management Admissions Council (GMAC) the salary for a graduate student with an MBA can range between 115,000 and 300,000 dollars depending on the company in which you work. However, being able to study for an MBA can be very expensive and it is a luxury that not everyone can afford, it is for this reason that today we want to show you the main aspects that you must take into account in order to obtain a scholarship and achieve so study your master’s degree in the United States.

In the year 2023, there are a large number of scholarships, it is for this reason that you must choose the one that best suits your needs and thus start applying to the ones you require, before applying or sending any application you should always keep in mind that each scholarship receives hundreds and hundreds of applications, it is for this reason that you should always prepare an outstanding application and thus obtain favorable results.

How to win a scholarship to study MBA in the United States

Before starting the preparation of the application, we recommend that you think about what your strengths are and how you can change the world if you get the scholarship to study your MBA, what are your main aspirations and above all because you should be the one to do it. college, university, or institute you should choose to help you study for your Master of Business Administration.

At this time you should not focus on spelling, the coherence of your writing, grammar, and others, this is the initial stage to start your proposal therefore having this brainstorming is essential so that when you start writing your writing you can show all your strengths and qualities for which you will be the most outstanding person of said university.

How to write an essay perfectly to apply for a university scholarship

After having clear ideas and knowing what you are going to write about, it is time to start preparing the perfect essay, then we will provide you with some guidelines that will help you write a perfect scholarship resume that will help you obtain very good results and that They will surely clarify many doubts.

Best MBA scholarships from universities in the USA

If you are looking for how to obtain a scholarship to study an MBA in the United States, we will show you the main ones and the aspects that they take into account when choosing their apprentices; an MBA can drastically increase a person’s salary, however, we must always keep in mind that what they will give you is only a degree, the main companies look at the reputation of the university you attended, the work approach, the experience that you acquired, below you, will be able to see the best programs that offer scholarships to study master’s degrees in business administration.

HBS Harvard Business School

It is for a 4-year bachelor’s degree at an accredited American university. The people who make this request have approximately 5 years of work experience, which is taken into account when choosing the people who will win the scholarship.

The scholarship has an approximate benefit of $42,000. The dates to choose your students are September 8, January 5, and April 29; the dates may vary depending on the calendar, however, they only change one or two days.

University of Chicago Booth School of Business

4-year bachelor’s degree from an accredited American university or college, they do not require years of work experience to maintain the scholarship, they require very good academic performance while studying for the MBA, a great challenge for any student.

The benefit of the scholarship varies depending on the student and their academic performance, the dates to choose their apprentices are September 24, January 12, and April 1, the dates can be modified according to the calendar of the year.

University of Florida Warrington College of Business

4-year bachelor’s degree from an accredited American university or college. To select the scholarship recipients, they take into account their leadership skills, ease of communication, mature motivation, and professional focus of the student.

The benefit of the scholarship varies depending on the student and her academic performance, the dates to choose her apprentices are October 15, January 15, and May 15, and the dates can be modified according to the calendar of the year.

University of Minnesota Carlson School of Management

4-year degree from an accredited American university or college, is the most sought after by international students due to the great benefits it offers, although it is aimed at veterans, former students, teachers, and women, you can choose anyone who shows that they deserve it and He has the skills to be one of the best students.
The scholarship can be the full enrollment, the dates to choose your apprentices are October 1, December 1, February 1, and April 1, the dates may vary one or two days depending on the year’s calendar.

How to pay your MBA and not fail in the attempt

Obtaining a Master of Business Administration degree can be a bit expensive, that is why if you are considering being an MBA student you must have a very good plan to pay your expenses which can be between 120,000 per year approx.

Is it possible to get a fully funded MBA?

Of course, there are scholarships to study MBA that cover 100% of your expenses, however, you should look for specific plans and look for schools like the University of North Carolina or the University of Minnesota which offer scholarships that are fully funded.

Another option is to look for programs like the Questbridge Graduate School Match program, which offers full funding for the best MBA programs out there, however, it has some specific conditions which you can find on their website.

How to get a scholarship for an online MBA?

All the scholarships that exist are applicable to MBA online, in case you have any questions you can contact the student aid or attention office offered by the different universities, the most important thing is to maintain the scholarship and for this, the only thing that you must do is maintain a good academic performance.